Why I chose to write a blog

Why I chose to write a blog? Well, because everyone has a blog now a days 🙂 Everyone is thinking today and the thoughts somehow meander and find a way to a blog. Isn’t this the case most of the time? Well, I am no different.

My thoughts are these unsatiated wild animals, reproducing at such a fast rate that even my humble mind cannot fathom. They are varied, energetic and aggressive in nature. They keep yapping away non-stop, striking numerous conversations and counter arguments, nudging me constantly to let them out, to let them flow unhindered, to let them fly freely, and somewhere before they begin to wither in the land of memory to get them captured in a blog like this.

Hence, this is what I am doing – giving a let out to my thoughts 🙂 Like I said, my thoughts are numerous – practical, emotional, romantic, energetic, melancholic, poetic, philosophic…can accommodate most of the genre 🙂 I am trying to house them in various categories, which you will find on the top of the page. Hope you enjoy them too as I let them out 🙂
