In the 1990s

As a child

I longed for bonding

Bonding among cousins

Bonding among relatives

But somehow, I could never understand

The reservations grown-ups had.

Why could sleep-overs be not common?

Why could one not barge into a cousin’s house for breakfast

Or just make impromptu plans with relatives


The family politics was always beyond me!

Shift to the 2020s

Now, a grown up

I still crave for bonding

Now I have my reservations

Bound by the daily rigmarole

I struggle to find time and energy

To maintain relationships

And at some point

My comfort takes precedence

Where I feel that sleep is more important

Than making a call to my sister or brother

Or to invite my nieces or nephews for that sleepover

That aside, an even more pressing thought is:

Will we be able to bond? Or will the conversations be awkward?

No family politics here, yet difference in ideologies, thoughts, actions

Seem to create an invisible wall

Where each wants their own space

Were these the reservations that I could not understand as a child?

How I long to throw caution to the wind and just bond with people

Forge heart to heart connections that rise above doubts and negative feelings    

And enter a realm where only relationship reigns supreme!

To Billy who is no more

 Amid the bleat of goats

Billy is taken to the slaughter house

One huge blow

And lo! Billy is no more

The sharpened knife

Finds the right spot

Just a knock

And the bones and ribs

That once kept Billy together

Easily fall apart

And as the sliding knife

Paves its way through

Billy is turned into pieces.

Isn’t it so simple, so easy

To quieten and bring to end

A God’s creation?

Has it every happened to you?

That you saw a vision of a rising sky

Smelt the fragrance of eternity

Heard a deep voice within you

Asking you to rise above

And taste the blisfullness of being alive

Has it ever happened to you?